Manages demand and resource, ensuring attention to detail and stakeholder needs are met. Taking decisions in complex environments in a timely manner balancing the risks of decision making at pace with available data and potential impacts.
Learn more about skills levels
Awareness ?Learn more about skills levels
- Makes timely decisions, seeking the views of others where necessary and is confident to make recommendations considering the implications.
- Works at pace, responding flexibly to emerging priorities and manages their own workload effectively.
Learning Curriculum for Awareness level Delivery and decision making at pace
If there is a particular subject / skill area that you wish to further develop your knowledge and skills or have an interest in, we would recommend that you discuss this with your line manager using the learning curriculum as a guide to identify suitable learning.
Learning Curriculum Resources for Awareness level Delivery and decision making at pace Resource Platform Format Duration Cost Commercial awareness CSL E-Learning 2hours 28min N/A Decision Making - additional resources CSL E-Learning 52min N/A Emotional intelligence CSL E-Learning 1hour 55min N/A Intro to team working within operational delivery CSL E-Learning 52min N/A One big thing CSL E-Learning 1hour 29min N/A Aimed at NICS Economist Profession only - Commercial and Financial Awareness for Economists. Northern Ireland Civil Service Learning E-Learning 45minutes N/A NICS only - A Framework for Ethical Decision Making Northern Ireland Civil Service Learning Online resource N/A N/A NICS only - Managing Your Team Northern Ireland Civil Service Learning Virtual Classroom 1hr 30min N/A NICS only - Building Positive Relationships Northern Ireland Civil Service Learning Virtual Classroom 1hour 30minutes N/A NICS only - Team Working - Being an effective team member Northern Ireland Civil Service Learning E-Learning 30min N/A -
Working ?Learn more about skills levels
- Presents strong recommendations in a timely manner.
- Understands complex information and is able to make the right decision at the right time often under pressure.
- Assesses and identifies the risks of timescales for delivery and refers to others appropriately given the risks and likely outcomes.
- Gives clear and explainable reasons for decisions and delivery.
Learning Curriculum for Working level Delivery and decision making at pace
If there is a particular subject / skill area that you wish to further develop your knowledge and skills or have an interest in, we would recommend that you discuss this with your line manager using the learning curriculum as a guide to identify suitable learning.
Learning Curriculum Resources for Working level Delivery and decision making at pace Resource Platform Format Duration Cost Analysing evidence: effective collaboration CSL E-Learning 36min N/A Developing a customer service strategy CSL Word document 3hours 40min N/A Finance foundations CSL E-Learning 1hour 55min N/A Finance skills for all CSL Word document 2hours 30min N/A Managing quality CSL E-Learning 1hour 2min N/A Managing risk, issues and dependencies CSL E-Learning 2hours 44min N/A One big thing CSL E-Learning 1hour 30min N/A Safeguarding children and adults CSL E-Learning 45min N/A Time management CSL E-Learning 2hours 17min N/A NICS only - Public Expenditure Overview Northern Ireland Civil Service Learning E-Learning 45minutes N/A NICS only - Effective Time Management Northern Ireland Civil Service Learning E-Learning 30minutes N/A NICS only - Safeguarding Children and Young People 2024 Northern Ireland Civil Service Learning E-Learning 30minutes N/A NICS only - Operational Delivery Risk Management Northern Ireland Civil Service Learning E-Learning 40minutes N/A NICS only - Using Evidence in Policy Making Northern Ireland Civil Service Learning Virtual Classroom 2hours 30minutes N/A NICS only - Supporting Vulnerable People Northern Ireland Civil Service Learning E-Learning 40minutes N/A -
Practitioner ?Learn more about skills levels
- Empowers others to make decisions where appropriate, supporting others and by being accountable.
- Facilitates quick decision making.
- Confidently take decisions to positively impact services.
- Manages and is accountable for the risks around delivery and decision making at pace, balancing ‘getting it wrong’, because something was missed or not factored in due to demands for pace.
Learning Curriculum for Practitioner level Delivery and decision making at pace
If there is a particular subject / skill area that you wish to further develop your knowledge and skills or have an interest in, we would recommend that you discuss this with your line manager using the learning curriculum as a guide to identify suitable learning.
Learning Curriculum Resources for Practitioner level Delivery and decision making at pace Resource Platform Format Duration Cost Pursuing excellent customer service CSL Workshop and various free resources Workshop - 4hours. Resources - 40min Individual - not available. Group (virtual) - £4,450. Group (own venue) - £4,500. Group (external venue) - £5,500. One big thing CSL E-Learning 1hour 59min N/A Written communication CSL Workshop 4hours Individual - £194.84. Group (virtual) - £1,450. Group (own venue) - £1,500. Group (external venue) - £2,500. NICS only - Effective Writing - A three-part process Northern Ireland Civil Service Learning In person learning 1 day N/A -
Expert ?Learn more about skills levels
- Recognises internal and external impacts and takes into consideration the risk and the longer term implications of the likely outcomes, by building in safeguards to maximise impact and improve the outcomes.
- Balances the risks and benefits of delivering and decision making at pace and is accountable for outcomes.
- Provides strategic advice and oversight, to support complex decision making often under pressure and to challenging deadlines.
- Leads and fosters best practice around delivery and decision making at pace, whilst still maximising quality.
- Encourages openness and learning by creating a space for learning from experience and then embedding that learning more widely
Learning Curriculum for Expert level Delivery and decision making at pace
If there is a particular subject / skill area that you wish to further develop your knowledge and skills or have an interest in, we would recommend that you discuss this with your line manager using the learning curriculum as a guide to identify suitable learning.
Learning Curriculum Resources for Expert level Delivery and decision making at pace Resource Platform Format Duration Cost Data and analysis CSL Workshop and various free resources Workshop - 6hours 30min. Resources - 40min Individual - £322.84. Group (virtual) - £3,950. Group (own venue) - £4,000. Group (external venue) - £5,000. Systems and complexity CSL E-Learning 3hours 19min N/A NICS only - Systems Thinking Toolkit Northern Ireland Civil Service Leanring Resource only N/A N/A